Meet Our Doctor
Dr. Russell D. Tritapoe DDS, PLLC
Dr. Tritapoe is a general dentist practicing in Fort Ashby, WV and has been helping local residents have bright, healthy smiles. Dentistry has been his passion for years and he prides himself in compassionate, pain-free care for all patients. Dr. Tritapoe highly values relationships with his patients, staff and community. He is dedicated to providing the most current dental procedures with utilization of state-of-the-art technologies and equipment.
Dr. Tritapoe was born in Houston, Texas and spent his childhood years in Valparaiso, Indiana and Martinsburg, WV. His family was then transferred to Kingsport, TN where he graduated from High School. Dr. Tritapoe received his Bachelors Degree of Science in Exercise Physiology at West Virginia University and then attended West Virginia University School of Dentistry where he attained his degree in Dental Surgery. Dr. Tritapoe has been practicing dentistry since 2012 in Romney, WV. He began practicing in Fort Ashby, WV after acquiring Dr. Ronald Haggerty’s practice in late Summer 2015.
Dr. Russell Tritapoe is married to Dr. Teal (Grady) Tritapoe, DC who is a Fort Ashby native. Dr. Teal practices as a Chiropractor in Fort Ashby, WV. Dr. Teal has strong roots in Fort Ashby and the Tritapoes plan to remain in the area for the future. When he is not working, he thoroughly enjoys spending time in the great outdoors and pursues hobbies in fly-fishing and archery.